New website for sustainable brand - battenfeld-cincinnati

New website for sustainable brand

With a new online platform, the battenfeld-cincinnati Group highlights its position as technology leader in the extrusion industry. The newly created website in modern design has been available online since November 4, 2021 under and addresses all of the company’s target groups from the automotive, building construction, chemical and recycling, electrical goods, packaging and food industries, as well as energy and water management.

Sustainability as a brand message

At the most recent K trade fair, battenfeld-cincinnati already presented itself with a new approach and matching new corporate design. This first step towards a forward-looking and value-oriented brand identity laid the foundation for the new presentation and redesign of the battenfeld-cincinnati website. The CD revision was the result of a thorough analysis of the battenfeld-cincinnati brand and its perception. A basic conclusion: battenfeld-cincinnati defines itself as a supplier of “sustainable solutions” in terms of quality and cost-efficiency as well as sustainability. The company also emphasizes its commitment to goals such as energy efficiency and conservation of resources by its claim: “Sustainable Solutions Worldwide”. At the same time, battenfeld-cincinnati is also well known as technology leader in extrusion – thus proving that the balancing act between market leadership and environmental consciousness can be successful.

Clear design. Easy orientation.

With the introduction of the new corporate design, a frame had already been staked for the new design of the battenfeld-cincinnati website. The logo, the corporate colors and fonts and the basic rules for design suggest a modern concept with ample white space and the typical battenfeld-cincinnati imagery for the website presentation. The first step on the redesign agenda was the structural revision of the website. To this end, for example, the navigation paths were reviewed and shortened to improve usability and user orientation. An access path to options for selected sectors of industry was added as well, to address interested viewers even more in line with their specific needs. Simultaneously, the focus was shifted to essentials: content was scrutinized for its value to users and condensed, thus making it easier for battenfeld-cincinnati target groups to pinpoint relevant information.

Recruiting as an investment for the future

Not only for potential customers, but also for the second important target group – job seekers – the decision in favor of battenfeld-cincinnati was to be made easier: while the career section had a less prominent position on the previous website, it can now be reached by just one click via the menu. This is how battenfeld-cincinnati invests in its brand as an employer – and responds to the increasing significance of staff acquisition. Direct links from the home page point to informative sub-pages for seekers of jobs and trainee positions. The career section of the new battenfeld-cincinnati website also includes contributions from battenfeld-cincinnati associates from various locations providing insights into daily work at the company.

The new website is rounded off by optimized structuring and presentation of product descriptions and applications. It takes only a few clicks to retrieve every important piece of information, so that potential customers can find their way through the extensive battenfeld-cincinnati portfolio very easily.

Ihr Pressekontakt bei battenfeld-cincinnati:
Angela Kohlmeier +49 (5731) 242-738 E-Mail senden