spider PVC pipe heads and feedblocks
Tooling for mono- and multilayer extrusion
Suitable PVC toolings for a great variety of applications
Besides the extruder, pipe heads are one of the most important components in a pipe extrusion line. With our spider series, we offer a wide range of pipe heads for the complete range of possible pipe diameters. In addition to the tooling for producing foam core pipe, the PVC multi-layer pipe market demands solutions for different compact versions, such as pipe with a middle layer made from recycled materials or with a high filler content. For these purposes, we have a variety of multi-layer pipe heads in our portfolio.
Your Advantages:
- Wide throughput and pipe dimension range thanks to flow channel geometries that are optimally adapted to the sizes of the pipe heads
- Best pipe quality, good pipe surfaces and low pipe overweight
- Processing of all standard PVC compounds and stabilizer systems
- User-friendly, robust design with easy handling in production and set-up cycles
- High operational reliability as well as easy maintenance thanks to the use of high-quality materials and improved design
Our Offer:
- Outer diameters from 6 to 1,600 mm
- Different pipe heads with classic single spider concept for diameters up to 710 mm
- Twin-strand tooling for diameters up to 250 mm
- Four-strand tooling for diameters up to 50 mm
- Flow channel surfaces are chrome-plated as standard (option: stainless steel or multiple chrome-plating)
- Support or carriage systems adapted to pipe head size and weight
- Optimized heating capacity
- Option: Thermal centering and heating tape insulation
Spider NG series
The new spider NG series offers a totally redesign flow channel and an innovative die-clamping system

Your advantages:
- Maximized dimension ranges at every size and all pressure classes
- Highest throughput rates for each size
- Best processability of all common PVC formulations and stabilizer systems
- Best processability of highly filled formulations and recycled materials
- Keeping the smallest wall thickness differences over the entire pipe circumference
- Excellent mechanical and optical pipe properties
Our offer:
- Innovative die change system with fixed centering
- Diameter change in less than 15 minutes (e.g. spider NG 250)
- Wall thickness change in less than 8 minutes (e.g. spider NG 250)
Double spider pipe heads
We have extensive experience in constructing double spider pipe heads. Due to the staggered positioning of their spiders, they offer distinctive advantages, particularly in the production of thick-walled PVC pipe and in very high throughput ranges

Your advantages:
- Best mechanical pipe properties
- Excellent wall thickness distribution enables reduction of pipe overweight and material savings of ca. 1.5%
- Perfect inner pipe surface
- Very high throughputs possible
Our offer:
- Seven sizes of double spider pipe heads for diameters up to 1,600 mm
- All flow channel surfaces are chrome-plated
3-layer pipe heads for foam core pipe extrusion
Spider 200-3 pipe head for 3-laaer pipe with diameters up to 200 mm.
We offer pipe heads for 3-layer PVC pipes with foamed or compact middle layer.

Your advantages:
- Short flow channels and small volume enable processing of a various formulations and stabilizers
- Optimized distribution channels provide perfect layer distribution and low pipe weight
- The “spider” design concept is suitable for a wide range of applications from foamed to compact, high-filled and/or reclaimed materials
- Modular concept that can also be converted to a 2-layer system
Our offer:
- Cover dimensions from 32 mm up to 710 mm
- Throughput rates from 350 kg/h up to 1,600 kg/h